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Interior wood slats and decorative wall panels

Interior wood slats and decorative wall panels - High-quality wood

Interior wood slats

Decorative wood panels for interior

Decorative wooden panels are often used in the interior and exterior design of homes, not only for their aesthetic, but also for their functional, space-configuring, thermal and sound insulating properties. A popular variant of such decorative panels is the wooden strips in the form of wooden battens of varying thicknesses, clamped between the floor and ceiling. They are placed both on walls and inside rooms. Wood is a very suitable material for the construction of slat walls because it is a natural product, does not emit toxic substances, gives a warm look and is easy to install.

Decorative panel made of top-quality wood, trim and wainscoting is a reliable partner to all customers who need high quality wood products, processed in our own workshops from various species such as cherry, walnut, oak, beech, beech, resinous. In our warehouses, you can buy timber for construction, resinous flooring, fence elements, burned wood, wood paneling – resinous, planed wood, skirting boards and more.

Wood is a building material with many advantages. It can be used to enhance both interior and exterior spaces, making it possible to emphasize architectural elements. Depending on the needs and desires of the owners, exterior or interior panel-type trim can be used, mounted on walls in a continuous line or with artistically cut elements, to divide spaces and to emphasize or diminish architectural elements. Other options include the use of 3D panels, fixed to walls or ceilings, as well as spruce wainscoting with V- or U-shaped trim.

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