General terms and conditions of sale

Before using or obtaining any materials, information, services through this website, please read the terms and conditions carefully.

1. Website administrator information

S.C. Enipau Prodexim SRL based in Urișor, Cluj County, Romania, registered at the Trade Register Office under no. J12/4373/1994, with Tax Identification Code RO7165103.

2. Accept

The Administrator offers you access to and use of the website subject to your acceptance of these terms and conditions. By accessing, using, obtaining or purchasing any products, content, data, materials, information or services through our website, the purchaser agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.

3. Copyright

The Visitor / Buyer understands the intellectual property right and will not download / use the content of the website, images, descriptions, graphics, without the written consent of the administrator as it is the property of the administrator, being protected by copyright law and laws on intellectual and industrial property.

4. Completing the distance contract

With the launch of the offer on the buyer accepts the communication by email or phone through which the administrator carries out his activity. This distance contract shall enter into force upon confirmation of the order by the administrator. Confirmation shall be made electronically or by telephone. in no way considers an unconfirmed order as having the value of a contract.

5. Prices, payment, invoicing

Payment of the Contract price shall be made, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, in advance, as a means of confirmation of the Order, and represents the Customer’s agreement to the provisions of all documents forming an integral part of the Contract. Until payment of the price, the products subject of the Contract remain the property of Enipau Prodexim SRL, under the conditions regulated by law for the sale with reservation of title.
The Contract price is expressed in national currency (RON) and is to be invoiced and paid in the same currency.

6. Stocks, Guarantees, Returns

6.1 Stocks

Products are available in stock but there may be zero stock for slow moving products. Re-stocking is provided according to demand. Customers are correctly informed, in accordance with the terms and conditions, of the availability of the products ordered before delivery is confirmed.

If the buyer wishes to have the goods delivered at home, the seller is not responsible for transportation, handling and storage. The delivery time is set by the seller, depending on stock and availability.

6.2 Guarantee

Delivery of the products is made to the address indicated by the Customer, within a deadline set according to the existence of the products in stock and their realization according to the Customer’s specifications and preferences. Upon delivery of the products, the Customer is obliged to receive them, either in person or through a representative, confirming also the quantitative and qualitative conformity of the products by signing the documents accompanying the products.
From the moment of receipt of the products, the risk of accidental loss of the products is transferred to the Customer, who may not invoke any apparent defects of the products.

Products marketed by Enipau Prodexim SRL are original and come with a certificate of guarantee and/or conformity

6.3 Return policy

1. In accordance with the provisions of GEO 34/2014, the customer who is also a consumer has a period of 14 days to withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract, without having to justify the withdrawal decision. In the event of such a withdrawal, made in accordance with the law, Enipau Prodexim refunds all sums it has received as payment from the Consumer, including, where applicable, the costs of delivery, without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days from the date on which it is informed of the Consumer’s decision to withdraw from the contract.
The right of withdrawal (return) does not exist in the situation where the products have been made to the specifications presented or chosen by the Customer or clearly personalized. In this regard, for products marketed by Enipau Prodexim, made according to the Customer’s order, by indicating by the Customer the materials, dimensions, colors or other elements that require Enipau Prodexim’s intervention on the raw wood material, make these products unsuitable for further sale, so that a right of withdrawal (right of return of products) is not recognized in such situations.

7. Complaints

What is a complaint?

“A petition is a request, complaint, complaint or proposal formulated in writing or by electronic mail, which a citizen or a legally constituted organization may address to central and local public authorities and institutions, decentralized public services of ministries and other central bodies, national companies and corporations, county or local interest companies, as well as autonomous regions, hereinafter referred to as public authorities and institutions”, according to art. 2 of the Government Ordinance no. 27/2002 on the regulation of the activity of solving petitions.

Who can complain to the ANPC?

Consumer any natural person or group of natural persons constituted in associations, acting for purposes outside their commercial, industrial or production, craft or liberal activity”, according to art. 2, point 2 of the O.G. no. 21/1992 on consumer protection, republished.

  • Complaints and complaints to the ANPC can only be submitted by individual consumers.
  • Disputes between economic operators do not fall within the competence of the National Authority for Consumer Protection.

“Anonymous petitions or those that do not include the petitioner’s identification data shall not be taken into consideration and shall be filed”, according to art. 7 of the O.G. no. 27/2002.

How to complain?

Please use this method only after you have tried to solve the problem amicably with the economic operator who sold the product or provided the service.

If you have not reached an agreement with the seller or the manager of the establishment, then you have the right to lodge a complaint with the County Commissioner for Consumer Protection. Consumer complaints are received at the offices of the County Commissions for Consumer Protection or at the Commission for Consumer Protection Cluj-Napoca, depending on the territorial radius in which the economic operator operates. In accordance with the legal provisions, complaints and complaints shall be made in written or electronic form and shall be sent by regular or electronic mail to the offices of the county commissioners or submitted in person.

The complaint or complaint is made in a personal name.

Your complaint/complaint will be solved within the legal deadline (according to the provisions of O.G. no. 27/2002), provided that it is accompanied by all the supporting documents, namely invoice, receipt, contract, warranty certificate or other documents, as appropriate.

In order for your complaints to be dealt with by the County Commissioners, they must fulfill the conditions outlined above. Otherwise they will be closed for lack of information.

8. Conformity and Quality of wooden products

1. Quality of wood products. Wood is a natural material with variations in color and texture and potential small defects such as cracks, knots, discoloration, warping or dimensional deviations. For planed products there may be deviations in quality, size, length, moisture content, knots in the range of 15-20%. For wainscoting/slabs – grade A/B – there may be quality deviations in knots in the range of 10-15%. The quality of the impregnant is the responsibility of the purchasing company, Enipau assumes only the quality of the wood processing through the materials used.
Therefore, wood products may have the variations shown from piece to piece and batch to batch, the pictures or samples are for demonstration purposes only, being an individual representation of a sample. These variations are covered by the relevant norms, certifications and standards held by Enipau Prodexim SRL.

9. Product performance

The products marketed by Enipau Prodexim SRL comply with the provisions of Regulation 305/09-mar-2011 establishing harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products, as well as HG 668/2017 on establishing conditions for the marketing of construction products.
The products marketed by Enipau Prodexim SRL do not endanger life, health, occupational safety and environmental protection, do not produce a negative impact on the environment and comply with European standards.
The degree of drying of the timber produced by SC ENIPAU PRODEXIM SRL falls within the following ranges and corresponds to the following technical specifications:

  • Lambriu quality A 16% +/-2. According to harmonized technical specification SR EN 14915 2007;
  • Heat-treated, thin lazur-impregnated XGT 617 thin lazur-impregnated, flame retardant C1CA2. According to harmonized technical specification SR EN 14342+1 2008;
  • 12% +/-2. According to HG 668/2017 and harmonized technical specification SR EN 14342+A1 2008;
  • Structural timber 10-15% +/-2. According to harmonized technical specification SR EN 14342+1 2008, resistance class C22-C24;
  • Resinous polyesters 12% +/-2. According to harmonized technical specification SR EN 1491 2007;
  • Structural timber class A 15-17% +/-2. According to harmonized technical specification SR EN 14342+1 2008.

In accordance with Art. (1) of Regulation 305/09-mar-2011 laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products, the products marketed by Enipau Prodexim are manufactured individually or to order, in response to specific orders, thus not being mandatory to draw up performance declarations on the marketed products.

10. Obligations of the seller

  • to contact customers, by Email or telephone, for order confirmation;
  • to deliver the products no later than 30 days after confirmation of delivery, if they are in stock;
  • to use personal data collected from customers/users in accordance with the “Privacy” section, an integral part of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

11. Privacy Policy

In accordance with the requirements of Law No. 677/2001, as amended and supplemented, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as well as Law No. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, the Administrator is obliged to administer in secure conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data provided by you, a member of your family or another person. The purpose of data collection is to fulfill and deliver orders (remote contract fulfillment) and to contact you in order to deliver products or other procedures necessary to finalize the order.

  • The Administrator collects from its customers personal data (first and last name, date of birth, e-mail, telephone number, home address, and other billing data) only if voluntarily provided. Refusal to provide them makes it impossible to process orders submitted online on
  • The administrator does not encourage SPAM, does not in any way alienate your e-mail address, with which you have created an account or subscribed to the Newsletter, to third parties (natural or legal) without your explicit consent.
  • The recorded information is intended for use by the operator and is communicated to the Commercial/Marketing Service of the administrator and courier companies.
  • In accordance with Law no. 677/2001 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, you have the right of access, the right to intervene on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to go to court. You also have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you and to request their erasure*. To exercise these rights, you can submit a written, dated and signed request to the company’s head office. You also have the right to take legal action.
  • Any person also has the right to object, free of charge and without any justification, to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes.
  • If any of your personal data is inaccurate, please inform us as soon as possible.


* any person has the right to object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of data concerning him or her.

This right of objection may be excluded for certain processing operations provided for by law (e.g.: processing carried out by financial and tax services, police, justice, social security). Therefore, this mention cannot appear if the processing is of a mandatory nature.

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The information in cookies generates the retention of certain settings/actions between two distinct sessions, thus increasing the loading speed of pages on subsequent visits. There are situations where the IP address from which the site is accessed or that of the referring site, if any, may be retained. The website can also be used, within certain limits, without accepting cookies. This information is necessary in order to provide visitors/customers with quality services and will not be sold, alienated or rented to a third party.

For more information on how to use these files, please visit the following link:

12. Litigation

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE (GTCS) are subject to Romanian law. In case of litigation, if the amicable settlement is not effective after the complaint is registered at the company’s head office, the company will appeal to the court of the Tribunal of the locality where the company has its headquarters.

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